
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Week 3A - Communication - Business & Consumer

I have to tell you that I have never written a comment on any social media. Neither positive nor negative.  The most I did is “liked” content in a company`s Facebook account. Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean that I never had a bad experience with any company before, but in these cases I either wrote an email, called them up, or just let the thing go. I think I didn't comment before because of the cultural difference in the way I was brought up. For a long time, I felt it wouldn’t make a difference, the companies would not care. Nowadays I see that social media is a really important platform and more and more companies are starting to pay attention to what costumers are saying about them. Also, people read about the companies before they choose a product or a service. Social media can help me and future costumers too.

Even though I have not written a comment in social media before I do check what other people say. It started out with checking restaurant reviews. I think restaurants are one of the first and most reviewed businesses. These days most people check out the restaurant where they plan to go in advance on Facebook, Google, Yelp, etc. I am no different. The first and most important thing of course is the overall rating. But besides that, I like to check out the bad reviews. I think it gives you an even better idea of the place. What went wrong and how often does the same thing happen? Are the bad reviews really reasonable or just unfair expectations. With the help of the social media it is much easier to find good restaurants (and other companies too) in a neighborhood that you are unfamiliar with.

When I am looking at a new restaurant and I read the reviews I love seeing how the company is reacting to them. Some places just ignore bad reviews. Or even worse they try to tell the reviewer how wrong they are. In today’s world companies have to follow the rule “the costumer is always right”. Of course, it is not true all the time, but the way to handle a problem is not telling them they are wrong, but to try to find a solution that can be acceptable for both parties. So, as I see it, the best way to handle bad reviews is first say you are sorry that the person had an unpleasant experience. Because even if the expectations were unreasonable the costumer felt bad and that is a fact. And then find some solution which works for both sides.

Although I have not communicated with a company through social media before, I know how much difference it makes if you have a good or a bad experience . It happened with me before that I wrote more then one email to a company and I never got a reply. I called them up with some issue and never reached a representative. Or I got somebody on the phone who told me sorry they could not fix my problem but if they can help with anything else, they are here for me. Very frustrating. Because of these incidents there are companies I do not use anymore. But on the other hand, if I think that solving an issue is going to be a real pain, but it turns out to be a smooth phone call, solving all my problems, that can make my day. And you can be sure I will tell all my friends and family how happy I am.

Communication between the businesses and the consumers is easier and easier nowadays. And the social media platforms are the places where most of it happens. The best companies realize that communicating on the social media platform is crucial nowadays, and it gives them a great advantage.


  1. I find it surprising that you have never reviewed a business on social media... but I can understand why! It's a newer thing. I also agree that it's a good idea not to argue with the reviewer when they post negative feedback; listening to them and improving your product is a better method. Overall, great post!

  2. Social media finally gives power back to consumers. Who knows what huge stack of customer complaints/feedback our emails are going to when we reach out via a customer service email link. Typically we get a really generic, automated response in return a week later. With social media, however, we can reach a representative within seconds, who wants to resolve our issues quickly because we've made our problems with the company public. This is beneficial to both parties though. The consumer gets a quick turnaround on their issue, and the company gets more exposure and an increased likelihood to get a good (and more) reviews from content customers.

  3. I don't normally comment on business's social media posts either but I have messaged them through DMs before if I really have something to say! Definitely agree that review websites and reading other's comments about businesses is very helpful in today's age.

  4. I'm much like you - I don't really interact with companies on social media at all. It's definitely something that I just don't really have a lot of interest in. You absolutely raise a good point that you want to be cordial when getting negative feedback, too!


Week 17 Wrapping It Up

First let me tell you how much I enjoyed this class. I have learned a lot about the different social media sites and the various advantag...