
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Week 2A - Overview of Social Media

It is almost impossible to live in today’s world and not use some kind of social media. My generation grew up not knowing what the internet really was, and we did not have mobile phones. I got my first mobile when I finished high school. The first social media site I joined was Facebook and I was already working by that time. However, I think nowadays, if you have a smart phone, there is no way that you are not using one or two (or a bunch of) social media platforms. Most people mainly use them just for personal use, but more and more people/companies are also using them for business purposes. I still only have a few accounts, but I am in the process of learning more and more about the different ways to utilize the power of the social media. I have noticed that some platforms can be used better for personal use and some are dedicated to be a business platform. But the majority can work both ways. Let me share my thoughts with you about these social media platforms.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Week 1A - Why did I choose this design?

I am a first-time blogger and I have to tell you I have never followed any blogger before. I read one or two posts here or there but never continuously followed anybody. So, this world is new to me. Therefore, when I logged in to Blogger I started to check every single theme and all the background pictures that are available to have a feel for it. Most of the background pictures I did not feel connected to or I wished it would be a little different in some way. I shortlisted some of the them and I decided to sleep on it. The next day when I looked at the shortlisted picks again, I came across one that I had not noticed previously. I started to play around with it, and I felt connected. This is the design you can see now.

Week 17 Wrapping It Up

First let me tell you how much I enjoyed this class. I have learned a lot about the different social media sites and the various advantag...